Paraparaumu Beach

Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club is located on the Kapiti Coast, 45 min north of Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city. This historic course was established in 1949 and has hosted the New Zealand Open on 12 occasions.

Designed by Alex Russell, the course is known for its natural beauty, with views of the Tasman Sea and the rugged coastline.

“I loved it instantly. We had nothing like it in Australia, which must have struck Alex Russell, who did the layout. Course designing approaches an art form, especially done in a perfect modelling medium like volcanic sand. When we all turn to dust, Paraparaumu the golf course should be still lying there as it was when the first golfers came by, with Kapiti an off-shore island standing guard to see that no one steals it away. And the winds will ever blow to test the golfer’s will and integrity. Paraparaumu will be famed for a century yet.”
Peter Thomson, Australia, 5 time winner The Open